General Motors Supplier of the Year Award
All State Fastener is proud to announce we are the recipient of the General Motors Supplier of the Year Overdrive Award. General Motors’ 29th Annual Supplier of the Year Awards were given out to 122 suppliers from 16 different countries. GM recognized 26 suppliers from eight different countries with the Overdrive Award, which are given to those suppliers who excelled in GM’s Global Purchasing and Supply Chain key priorities, including safety, total enterprise cost and profitability, launch excellence, sustainable value streams, accelerating innovation, and nurturing relationships.
It is an honor to receive one of only 26 highly coveted Overdrive Awards, recognizing outstanding achievement and performance. Together our collaboration with GM allowed us both to navigate our joint business results with focused initiative and mutual success in mind. ASF would like to extend a big thanks to our supply chain and our GM counterparts for the teamwork that made this possible.